Touch Typing: Increasing Your Typing Speed

The faster one can communicate ideas onto a computer screen, the more enjoyable web-browsing and writing becomes. If you'd like to spend a little time practicing touch typing, Keybr has an interesting way to improve your brain's connection to your digits. The interface is refreshing and sleek compared to other touch typing programs I've seen. Dvorak, Colemak, and UK keyboard configurations are available, as well as language support for German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, and Russian.

Keybr is a challange because it strings syllables together so you are forced to type words that look like your language, but aren't. Your brain has to work harder to type. The onscreen keyboard also highlights your most mistake-prone letters, allowing you to consciously improve your skills.

Make sure to try the custom text option--copy and paste any text to practice with. While doing this, I was struck with the idea that I could both read an article and practice typing at the same time. I had copied and pasted text from a Wikipedia article. This free site really performs a dual purpose.

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